Saturday 17 August 2013

I'm back!

Okay, I'm starting to see a pattern here; I apologize for being gone for a bit, then I say that I'll do another one next week, and then don't, and then the cycle repeats itself.
So again, I apologize, one of the reasons I was gone, was because I went on holiday and there was no internet, so that was one factor, and the other is I just forgot to do another blog, or couldn't be bothered, I've been really bored sometimes in the holidays, and I don't know why.
But now I'm back!
So this entry is gonna be short and sweet, not literally, that'd be weird. Actually, how would you even do that? Anyway, just gonna say that the first episode for the sitcom I'm writing is coming along nicely (if you watch my YouTube videos you'l know what I'm talking about), even though its taken about four months to do it. I wanted to get it right okay? So sue me!
But yeah, other than that, not a lot has happened, so this is where I'm gonna end it.

Nick :)